Nebensaison | Jänner |
Hochsaison | Februar |
Günstigster Flug | € 848 |
Curfew at Sydney Airport Int and Domestic. Airport closed from 11 pm to 4 am. Passengers have to leave the premises. In my case (and about 25 others) waiting outside the premises at 12C° without toilet etc. Not good at all.
Curfew at Sydney Airport Int and Domestic. Airport closed from 11 pm to 4 am. Passengers have to leave the premises. In my case (and about 25 others) waiting outside the premises at 12C° without toilet etc. Not good at all.
Super Verflegung / Service. Mit top internationalen Kinofilmen/Musik zum sehen oder hören während des Fluges individuell für jeden einzelnen Fluggast. 30 kg Gepäck bei jedem Flug inclusive. Sehr gute Preis Leistung.